Baby love, my Baby love....
I'm 24 weeks pregnant currently. It just hit me the other day, in a little over three months I will be holding my little boy. At random times I get so overwhelmed with happiness I almost cry. Its a strange feeling and unlike anything I have ever felt before in my life. I smile every time I feel a little kick from him. He's most active late at night or after I eat something sugary. I had my hand on my belly and felt him kick from the outside for the first time earlier this week. At first it felt like a ball rolling around in my belly. He feels stronger and more "solid" every day. Eli sings, talks and kisses my belly every day. My father-in-law, Richard talked to my belly for the first time today. It was SO cute! This baby is loved by so many already. I saw my brother on Sunday, and I've never seen him smile so much or so genuinely! He's so happy to have a nephew! He put his hands on my belly and just looked so elated! It was nice seeing my dad and brother whe...