Finding strength and faith in myself
The most helpful advice I was given recently is when I was in labor with my son, Nathaniel. At one point under extreme pressure and stress, I said out loud, "I can't do this!!!" I was delirious with exhaustion and in a tremendous amount of pain. I might have even screamed it. I heard a voice say to me, "You are doing this!!" I can't remember who said it but it has really stuck with me! It could have been my nurse, my doula or my husband, I'm really not sure! It was effective and got me through my doubts. Whenever I find myself saying I can't do something lately, I remind myself I AM DOING IT!! It really gets me through my self doubts. It gives me strength for the day to day. My birth experience has empowered me to know I can do anything I set my mind to. Its an amazing feeling.