
Showing posts from 2010

The anniversary of my first loss

I thought that finally being in my third trimester would bring a sense of calm. I kept thinking to myself, "Just make it to October and you will be able to relax about your pregnancy." I realized after I had yet another nightmare featuring a premature birth last night, I probably won't be able to relax until my little boy comes out. And of course once that happens I will have a whole new list of concerns! The internet is a mixed bag for me. There's a ton of helpful information out there and I love the women I meet online, fellow mommies who have experienced miscarriage themselves. Some of their fears and concerns have a way of transferring to myself, which doesn't help when I'm already stressing. Miscarriage is a truly unique experience, something you cannot truly comprehend until it happens to you. It affects the way you feel in any subsequent pregnancy. It truly robs you of the innocence of pregnancy. I must admit before I experienced one myself, I thought...

Baby love, my Baby love....

I'm 24 weeks pregnant currently. It just hit me the other day, in a little over three months I will be holding my little boy. At random times I get so overwhelmed with happiness I almost cry. Its a strange feeling and unlike anything I have ever felt before in my life. I smile every time I feel a little kick from him. He's most active late at night or after I eat something sugary. I had my hand on my belly and felt him kick from the outside for the first time earlier this week. At first it felt like a ball rolling around in my belly. He feels stronger and more "solid" every day. Eli sings, talks and kisses my belly every day. My father-in-law, Richard talked to my belly for the first time today. It was SO cute! This baby is loved by so many already. I saw my brother on Sunday, and I've never seen him smile so much or so genuinely! He's so happy to have a nephew! He put his hands on my belly and just looked so elated! It was nice seeing my dad and brother whe...


Hello All! I'm 23 weeks pregnant (as of yesterday,) and this heat is killing me! I am very much looking forward to fall. It's my favorite time of year! I love decorating for fall! Fall makes me think of leaves changing colors, pumpkins, crisp evenings and snugging with my Eli. In one week my little one could survive outside the womb (although with a lot of medical assistance.) I'm hoping he stays inside at least 14 more weeks. Eli has been working hard on the nursery. Chrissi and Liam are coming up to help paint the nursery this weekend. I am so excited to see them! I've been taking belly pictures each week! They are so much fun! My major symptoms have included nasal congestion, headaches and insomnia. Not a fun mix! But I know my little guy is totally worth it! I cannot wait to meet him. I have so many dreams about him and I wake up disappointed he's not here yet. I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Well that's enough "rambling" for now! :)