
Showing posts from 2011

Mommy Wars

Its so strange that sharing your own experiences regarding giving birth or feeding your own baby manage to create friction among other moms. A blog is a place to share your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Its about your life essentially. Reading someone's blog is optional. If reading about breast feeding or co-sleeping is not your thing then don't read my blog! Just because one mom breastfeeds and shares that with others does not mean she will vilify a formula feeding mom. Every mom has her own parenting style, her own view point and there's room for all of us. I love talking with other mothers because they tell me things I never thought of before and help me see things differently. As with my vegetarianism, I don't preach to other moms and I would appreciate the same courtesy from them. Its a tough job and I think in order to be the best mothers we can be we need to stick together.

La Leche League

I attended my first La Leche Meeting last Tuesday! And it was seriously the best two hours of my life. I met some amazing women there. It was such an incredible feeling to nurse Kevin among other nursing mothers. I wish they met more often than once a month but I'm so glad I started going. I felt "home" there. I  felt like I was among women who understood me. I have received negative reactions to nursing my son and it breaks my heart. I don't need approval from people but I would like the guilt trips and the TELLING me what to do to stop please! Our society is so strange. We reject this perfect food for our babies, and we tell women to cover up while nursing in public. Yet, we have no issues with bikinis and plunging necklines. Sigh.

Recovery and NICU Stint

At 6pm Friday night I was moved from my fishbowl recovery room to the antepartum room. I was also finally taken off the the magnesium sulfate, AKA Liquid Death. I felt exhausted, hungry, thirsty, insanely sore and most of all I missed my little boy. The passed 24 hours were hell on earth! I didn't sleep more than 5 minutes at a time and I felt insanely itchy due to all of the medications they had me on. Sadly, my little boy was no longer inside me but not in my arms either. All I had was his picture to hold. It was a surreal feeling to say the least. I finally drank a ton of water and ate General Tso's Tofu and felt a little better. Eli said he barely recognized me I was so bloated from the medicine. I looked in the mirror and what I saw was scary, a red bloated monster with her hair straight in the air. During my recovery, I was trying desperately to get my milk to come in. A lactation consultant had visited my room that morning and gave me a hospital grade breast pump. Sinc...

Part 2

We took a tour of the NICU that night. I was pushed around in a wheelchair. I wondered to myself how long my son would need to stay here. (spoiler alert, he was only in for 2 weeks!) I spent the next ten days on hospital bed rest. My friends Dorri and Chrissi came to visit. Dorri even gave me a pedicure. I could barely see my feet at this point but people reassured me they were beautiful! Doctors and nurses were constantly in and out of my room. I had a blood pressure/temp check every four hours, blood work taken every other day and NST with my little one twice a day. I was originally strapped to a BP monitor and NST machine 24/7. I also had blood work taken every 12 hours. So this was actually an improvement! They had so much trouble getting sufficient veins from that they started taking blood out of my hands. And they always woke me up between 5-6am to get blood from me! Eventually my son's NST sessions weren't quite right so they did a Biophysical Profile. They could see h...

Pre-eclampsia, Hospital bed rest, NICU baby and trying to stay sane!

I haven't had much of a chance to write since my son was born. I really wanted to blog my mommy adventures so there's no time like the present! I thought I would take the opportunity to write since my son is down for a nap or early bed time. Depends on what he decides :-) On November 4, 2010 I had my 32 week check up at my OB's office. It was supposed to be a typical appointment. It was anything but after they told me my urine had protein in it and my blood pressure was higher than they'd like to see. I was ordered to go to triage and get monitored. My blood pressure wouldn't go down but they still sent me home. I was sent home with orders for me to collect my urine in a jug for 24 hours! YAY, what fun! I should have known this was a HUGE red flag for things to come! I brought the jug in that Saturday and had blood work done. I attended my friend Kristy's baby shower. On the way home from the shower they told me to pack a bag and go directly to the hospital. I...

It's been too long!

My son turns eight months on Monday. In a way they have flown by and in a way they have gone by slowly. He started off three pounds and is now 16 pounds. I just started him on a tiny amount of solids. Bananas, avocados and apple sauce. He stills prefers breast milk, which makes his parents very happy! I'm hoping to update more often but the days have a way of getting away from me! I just joined a local moms group and hope to make some local friends! Being a stay at home mother, an hour away from friends and family can make things a bit lonely! Thanks for reading!