Pre-eclampsia, Hospital bed rest, NICU baby and trying to stay sane!

I haven't had much of a chance to write since my son was born. I really wanted to blog my mommy adventures so there's no time like the present! I thought I would take the opportunity to write since my son is down for a nap or early bed time. Depends on what he decides :-)

On November 4, 2010 I had my 32 week check up at my OB's office. It was supposed to be a typical appointment. It was anything but after they told me my urine had protein in it and my blood pressure was higher than they'd like to see. I was ordered to go to triage and get monitored. My blood pressure wouldn't go down but they still sent me home. I was sent home with orders for me to collect my urine in a jug for 24 hours! YAY, what fun! I should have known this was a HUGE red flag for things to come! I brought the jug in that Saturday and had blood work done. I attended my friend Kristy's baby shower. On the way home from the shower they told me to pack a bag and go directly to the hospital. I was going to receive steroid shots to mature my baby's lungs and would be induced Monday or Tuesday. I was in shock. I was excited to meet my little boy but was afraid I was getting to do it too soon!

I went home, packed a bag and snuggled briefly with my pets. Eli and I went to the hospital and the first person to talk to me was an intern named Kevin Miller, I was hoping since we were naming our son Kevin this was a good sign! I was barely over 32 weeks, they gave me two steroid shots to mature his lungs, and I was getting more scared by the minute! A NICU doctor came into my room and warned me about "brain bleeds" and other possible complications of an early birth. I wanted to scream and cry after I talked to her. I wanted to scream at her, "Well do I have another choice, lady?" I'm not CHOOSING this! I know she was just doing her job but I felt powerless to protect my son and it was horrifying!

Monday night I was supposed to be induced, and right before they started that, a maternal fetal medicine specialist told us we could give our son TEN EXTRA DAYS! I was so happy, I didn't care what I had to go through for the next ten days. They did remind me that every day my son is inside is three less NICU days. In order to get my blood pressure down as well as lower the chances of my preemie son having cerebral palsy they put me on Magnesium Sulfate, or as I came to know it, Liquid Death! I had a hard time with the IV going in my arm. I felt hot and sick. I couldn't drink or eat anything for the 24 hours I was on it. I also had a cathater and couldn't get out of bed. While on this liquid death, I had an ultrasound done, indicating my son was a mere 3.5 pounds. I was hoping he was at least 4 pounds! He was in the 30th percentile for growth. I was finally released from the Mag Sulfate, and scarfed down my food. I was seeing spots and threw up.   (Stay tuned for part 2)  


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