
Showing posts from 2018

The importance of finding your momma tribe

After another exhausting day at home with two little ones, I decompressed a bit with a bath and some chocolate, though not in that order. I hosted a play date in my home today that went pretty well and everyone had a good time. My threenanger is into biting right now and we are trying to work through it as best we can. Luckily, everyone has been very understanding with his rough behavior. It definitely makes it easier to go through incidences like this while having a support system. I owe all of my momma friends a big thank you. Adjusting to two children has not been easy or pretty but I know that with each day it is getting a little better. I may not always feel it, but this too shall pass.
I have been every type of momma. I've been a stay-at-home momma of one then 2 boys. I've worked part time jobs. I've gone back to school part time then full time. And now I'm a full-time working momma. I work four ten-hour shifts a week. I'm on summer break from classes. I'm renting a home in Birdsboro. I spent my first night there last night and tonight my boys will spend their first night there. I'm really excited to decorate it and make it nice for them. I want them to think of it as a sleep-over at first. I'm trying to ease them into staying there sometimes. Nathaniel has visited with me a few times but Kevin was in school during those visits. The guy renting it to me and the guy who set up my "wiffy" both said they were married to the woman who used to live there. I found that to be rather amusing. I'm in a new phase of life. I've tackled challenges before and I can do it again. I'm understanding more of what I need and want fo...